Wildlife and Biodiversity

Biodiversity  – or biological diversity – is the variety of life on Earth. It includes all of the plants, animals and habitats that we see around us, and means the same thing as ‘nature’ or ‘wildlife’.

Cardiff has lots of interesting plants, animals and habitats. To find out about biodiversity in the City see our interactive Biodiversity of Cardiff poster – 4.09mb.

Alternatively, have a look at our Biodiversity of Cardiff booklet – 5.3mb, or contact the County Ecologist for a hard copy.

Why Biodiversity is Important

Biodiversity forms the building blocks of a healthy natural environment.  This environment is our life-support system on earth, and provides us with our food, clean water and clean air.

These are among the services the natural environment provides us with.  We can look at these and other services as belonging to four different types:-

Support – including the oxygen production, nutrient cycling, and soil formation, which underpin the provision of the other ‘services’

Regulation – including climate regulation, flood protection and water purification.

Provision – providing us with food, fuel, fibre, and water.

Cultural services – our enjoyment of wildlife and the countryside, education,  recreation, inspiration and natural beauty.

To discover more about what biodiversity does for you take a look at our interactive Variety of Life on Earth poster – 2.8mb.

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Protecting Cardiff’s Biodiversity

Cardiff recognises its role in protecting Biodiversity, through its statutory duties and through the Biodiversity Action Plan process.

Were currently working towards a more integrated Natural Resource Management approach which will replace the Local Biodiversity Action Plan process.

Flat Holm Island

Less than ½ a mile wide, this tiny Island is an intriguing hidden jewel in the Bristol Channel. Flatholm is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Local Nature Reserve. The Flat Holm Project conserves the Island’s natural and cultural features which include Victorian barracks, seabird colonies and wartime bunkers.

You can take a day trip by boat to the Island or even stay overnight. Day trips last approximately 5 hours and include a guided tour showing you all the wildlife, buildings and points of interest on the island. At the end of your trip you can also enjoy a well earned drink in the Gull and Leek, the most southerly pub in Wales! and visit the shop which stocks souvenirs, postcards and snacks.

If you would like to visit go to www.flatholmisland.com for more information.

Flat Holm island with lighthouse

Flat Holm images by: Gareth Johns


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