Cardiff Local Nature Partnership

The Local Nature Partnership (LNP) Cymru project is a partnership between the Wales Biodiversity Partnership, Welsh Council for Voluntary Action, Local Environment Records Centres, and all local authorities and national parks in Wales.

Nature is amazing and we can’t survive without it, but the natural environment is in decline and so are the benefits that it delivers. The LNP Cymru project aims to help reverse this decline and promote the value of nature.

Through building a nature recovery network across Wales, engaging people and communities, businesses and decision-makers in both practical action and strategic planning, we can create a resilient and nature-rich Wales.

The Cardiff Local Nature Partnership has been established to support and promote activities to protect and enhance nature across the City and is open to everyone.

If you would like more information about the LNP Cymru project or wish to join the Cardiff LNP mailing list to receive project updates, please get in touch with our LNP coordinator;

Samantha Eaves
Local Nature Partnership Coordinator
Forest Farm Conservation Centre
Cardiff CF14 7JJ

(029) 22330235

Managing our grasslands for biodiversity

Wildlife, birds and bees
The Cardiff Local Nature Partnership is working with colleagues across the Council to review how we manage our grasslands in parks, open spaces, and verges.

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View projects in Cardiff on the Local Nature Partnerships Cymru website.

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