Local Nature Partnership
Conserving, protecting and enhancing the nature of Cardiff in South Wales
Conserving, protecting and enhancing the nature of Cardiff in South Wales
The Cardiff Local Nature Partnership (LNP) was established in 2020 with a Welsh Government funded LNP Cymru coordinator in each Local Authority and National Park in Wales until March 2025.
The role of the LNP Coordinator includes developing a Local Nature Recovery Action Plan (NRAP) supporting projects to protect and enhance biodiversity, and seeking opportunities for partnership working.
The Cardiff LNP has a steering group which comprises organisations actively involved with city-wide nature conservation activities.
The wider partnership is open to everyone with an interest in nature including individuals, community groups, organisations, schools, and businesses.
Nature is fundamental to our lives, providing the air that we breathe, our food, water, and medicine. We cannot survive without it. Nature is under threat and so are the benefits that it delivers, but it is not too late to act.