Grass cutting

The grass cutting season is between March and October. The weather and the condition of the ground can affect exactly when we cut the grass. We do not have the resources available to remove grass cuttings.

Most parks and green spaces are cut up to 8 times a year, but we cannot give exact details of when they are visited. Some will take priority over others. For example, sports pitches will take priority and may be cut more frequently.

You can tell us about grass that needs cutting in a park or green space on Cardiff Council’s website.

Verges on major roads

If the speed limit on a road is over 30mph, our parks department are not responsible for cutting the grass. These roads include:

  • A470 (Ash Grove and Manor Way)
  • Coryton Interchange (junction 32)
  • A4232 (a48 junction to M4 junction 33)

Communal grass areas around council properties

The grass cutting season is between March and October. The weather and the condition of the ground can affect exactly when we cut the grass.

If dogs have fouled the area, the parks department will not be able to cut the grass.

Please report dog fouling to us.

Insects amongst grass

It’s for Them, Changing mowing to save wildlife

We’re looking for opportunities to vary the frequency and timing of mowing to create a mix of short and long grass on sites. This will help to create a greater range of habitats, support a wider range of plants and animals, and increase biodiversity.

We have adopted a one-cut scheme which means appropriate areas will only be cut once a year to help the environment. This area is the equivalent of 215 football pitches.

Under the Environment Act, we have a duty to maintain and enhance biodiversity and promote the resilience of ecosystems.

You can see which sites are part of the one-cut scheme.

Download It’s for them factsheet (PDF)

Wildlife, birds and bees

Long grass is better for wildlife than closely mown, regularly cut grass. Our wildlife is declining and we need to act now to save it. 1 in 6 species assessed in Wales is at risk of extinction. We are in a nature emergency.

Wildflowers and grasses provide food for insects and shelter to complete their life cycles. Cutting less often allows wildflowers to grow. Insects pollinate the flowers to produce seeds for the following year. Small birds like finches eat the seeds. Mammals like bats, field mice and hedgehogs eat the plants and invertebrates such as earthworms, bugs and other insects. Kestrels, buzzards and barn owls hunt small mammals, and swallows and swifts feed on insects. Amphibians and reptiles, like frogs and toads, slow-worms and lizards, also eat invertebrates.

A typical natural meadow can support more than 1,400 species of invertebrates and many other plants and animals.

Pollinators pollinate many farmed crops that we eat. They pollinate wild plants to produce seeds, fruits and nuts which birds and mammals eat. They are an essential part of food production. Many wild pollinators are in decline, mainly due to loss of habitat. Pollinators need flowers to feed from, places to live and lay eggs, and shelter for their young to develop. Honey bees are also pollinators. They are largely a farmed species in Wales and are not in decline.

Connecting with wildlife benefits our health and mental wellbeing, making us feel calmer, happier and more focused. Creating more meadow-like areas allows us to experience nature day by day.

Meadow-like areas with long grass have an informal natural beauty. After the flowering season, areas can start to look tired as plants put their energy into seeds for next year’s wildflowers. These areas still have vital importance for pollinators, other insects, birds and mammals like hedgehogs.

To begin learning the names of the wildflowers you will see popping up in grasslands during the spring and summer, ‘Nature Isn’t Neat’ has made a guide to some of the most important wildflowers for pollinators.

A hedgehog

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