Heath Park - Outdoor Cardiff Heath Park - Outdoor Cardiff

Heath Park

About Heath Park

Once part of Cardiff’s ‘Great Heath ’, Heath Park is now an important ‘green lung’ for Cardiff’s northern suburbs. The 37 hectare (91 acre) park provides sport and play facilities for all ages, but also contains woodland areas, ponds and wetland which are habitat for a wide range of plants and wildlife.

Heath Park is one of Cardiff’s Green Flag parks.

Visitor information

The park is open to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  • King George V Memorial Playing Field preserved ‘in trust’ in association with Fields In Trust . The memorial gates on the northern side of the park commemorate this link.
  • Wildlife ponds with resident great crested newts
  • Sensory Garden including an accessible link from the hospital grounds.


  • Volunteering opportunities The Parks Community Ranger Service organises work days and other activities in the park in association with The Friends of Heath Park 
  • Sports fields and changing rooms Available for booking.
  • Pay and play pitch and putt 9 hole course
  • Footgolf and Footrugby
  • Refreshments available from the golf kiosk when open
  • Children’s playground catering for children up to the age of around 12
  • Pay and display car park with pedestrian access to Heath Hospital. Free parking for 2 hours for park users.
  • Floodlit 3G pitch available to hire
  • Heath Park Model Railway Monthly open days throughout the year
  • Wildlife Explorer Trail: for children – download a leaflet


Toilet facilities available when the golf kiosk is open.

How to find us

How to find us
Access point GPS (latitude / longitude)
Model railway car park 51.511897, -3.186798
Heath Park Main car park and entrance 51.509361, -3.183972

What3words: leaves.strike.pies

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