Planning an event in a park or open space - Outdoor Cardiff Planning an event in a park or open space - Outdoor Cardiff

Planning an event in a park or open space

We look after many parks and open spaces in Cardiff. These are suited to different types and sizes of events.

If you are thinking of organising an event in one of these spaces, you can get information on how to do this in a safe, suitable and enjoyable way.

Find out more on our event guidance A-Z.

What we need to know

When you apply, you will need to tell us about:

  • the event,
  • the organiser,
  • entertainment and licensable activities,
  • health and safety, and
  • facilities and infrastructure.

Apply to hire a park or open space

Application form – Event hire of park or open space.

To avoid delays, please make sure you complete all relevant sections of the form. If your application is missing information, we will not be able to process it.

Submitting a form does not guarantee your use of the park or open space. We will contact you to confirm this at a later date. If you wish to advertise an event before we contact you, this is at your own risk.

Apply to hire a space in Bute Park

Find out more about organising an event at Bute Park.

Contact us



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