Horse Riding in Cardiff - Outdoor Cardiff Horse Riding in Cardiff - Outdoor Cardiff

Horse Riding in Cardiff

Over 2,000 horses are registered in Cardiff and the bridleway network is less than 2km in length therefore we rely heavily on Permissive Bridleways to link up the existing rights of way paths. The Public Rights of Way Team is currently working with the Local Access Forum, landowners and future developments to create more routes for horse riders.

British Horse Society

The British Horse Society is the UK’s largest and most influential equestrian charity.

About Safety And Facilities for Equestrians (SAFE)

Safety And Facilities for Equestrians (SAFE) is a non profit making group, run by volunteers who work with BHS and land owners in South East Wales to promote off road riding for horse riders.

SAFE has overseen improvements to local Bridleways, and the opening up of new permissive routes. The group is very much dependent on local members who feel improvements are needed in their area stepping up to help take forward those projects while drawing on help, experience and contacts from within the organisation.

Riding for the Disabled Association

At RDA, our horses and ponies provide therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities all over the UK.

Our network of 500 volunteer groups organise activities such as riding, carriage driving, vaulting, showjumping and Hippotherapy to up to 28,000 people each year.

Find a Group:

We offer activities for all age groups and, wherever possible, to people with any disability – and you’re just as likely to find an RDA Group in an urban setting as a rural one.

Horses at Cardiff Riding School
Cardiff Riding School horses - available for Horse Riding training
Horses at Cardiff Riding School

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